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Message to NSF PIs

The Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) Roger Wakimoto sent out the following message to NSF PIs.

Dear NSF PI: 

You may have received a communication from the National Science Foundation on compliance with recent Executive Orders. We are not aware of any research grants or contracts at the University of California that do not comply with applicable Federal laws. Accordingly, it is reasonable for researchers to continue with the approved scope of work under federal contracts and grants unless and until the appropriating agency provides contrary directions about their specific awards. If you receive such a communication, please let my office know immediately, so we may provide assistance. If this guidance changes, my office will send out another communication. 

If you have doubts or questions about your NSF-funded project, you may wish to communicate with the NSF program officer on your grant to confirm that your project meets NSF requirements. 

If you have questions, please reach out to my office ( sends email)). Thank you.

Roger M. Wakimoto 
Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities